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Old 05-05-2022, 04:44 PM   #20
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Re: Does this look familiar to anyone?

Originally Posted by TX3100Guy View Post
The other output barb at the top of that regulator joins at a "T" another rubber hose line from the back of the carb plenum to feed a second gauge in the cab labeled Pressure (1-10 PSI)
My guess is that is just boost pressure on that barb / gauge and no fuel present.

The regulator I linked had a threaded port where you could screw on a gauge, or just search around for a regulator with gauge - they are common.
I can understand why you would want to see both fuel and plenum pressure while driving with a blow through carb setup.

if you are replumbing consider adding a fuel return line and getting a non-blocking regulator, the electric pump will like having some flow at all times better.
Not sure why you would need dual pumps. The mechanical pump you show looks like a pretty standard 235/261 pump from the pictures.

When was that engine built? it is a pretty cool piece of inline 6 hot rod history.
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