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Old 05-11-2022, 01:01 PM   #7
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Re: 1962 gmc half ton no power to front lights

I echo the statement of those above who say a good ground is very important.
Once you ascertain a good ground, then get out your test light and start checking for power. I would probably start at the headlight switch. Since you have power to the back lights, then you know you have power up to your switch. Make sure the pointed end on your test light is good and sharp to pierce the insulation on a wire. Start working your way to the front. You may want to check any wire connector plugs first. There can be corrosion there. I recently chased some wires on a 1959 Ford F100 and found wires where the insulation looked good but the wire was broken inside. I also found where the insulation was worn away, and the wire shorted out, melted, and the connection was broken. This may be a long shot too, but is there any chance that the lights may simply be burnt out? Let us know what you find.
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