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Old 05-13-2022, 01:43 PM   #25
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Re: Advice needed pls. Setting engine/trans

yeah, thats what I was thinking too, about the fuel injection part angle not as critical. looks like a 350 carbed engine is going in so the 3 deg down at the rear would be good. carb will be level as long as the rake angle is also level. it's why I always recommend to put the truck on stands high enough off the ground so you can work under it, level side to side and at the rake angle desired, place the stands or blocks where they will be strong to hold the weight of the unit without a teeter totter effect but not in the way for the jobs needed, then build around that. when done the suspension may need to be tweaked once the unit is put back on the ground. I use some modified jack stands with good sized threaded rod in place of the movable part of the stand. at the end of the rod I have welded on a 3/8 bolt which can usually be placed up through an existing hole in the frame and then bolted down. a jam nut on the stand end of the threaded rod keeps the rod from self adjusting.
attached a pic you can sorta see the stand in the background. the flat tabs on the frame are for the engine mounting supports. I used a set of 2000 camaro clamshell mounts and exhaust manifolds and built connector parts from flat plate to connect the dots. they are easily unbloted for a quick engine removal without a bunch of stuff in the way, or replaced with different connector plates should the engine choice change. one pic shows the plates bolted to the frame, the white tube is where the steering shaft fits through.
maybe help somebody lurking here if nothing else. not trying to jack your thread
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