Thread: Bb Heat Stove
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Old 07-30-2004, 05:02 PM   #6
Harold Shepard
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Canton North Carolina
Posts: 466
Guys this something like a frog hair. From what I have been told the ones that didn't get tossed almost always burn up (not a true burn but heat cycle so much that they decompose). I have priced them from $200 down, even offered a stranger at a show to buy the one he had on the truck he was selling. It had manifolds and shield and everything else was changed to chrome and such, wouldn't hear of selling shield, but said he would sell me the whole P.O.S. so I could get the shield if I wanted so bad. TSGT882- you might look in Rick's camaro Parts catalog, the have stoves that you might be able to modify to your headers to pass inspection. I think he is located in Tucker GA. good place to deal with. Harold
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