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Old 05-21-2022, 08:11 AM   #6
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Re: LOF window codes

Originally Posted by BROWN 70 View Post
hi guys, I am the third generation in my family that worked for lof. I worked at the lathrop plant from 1972 to 1981. the number we are talking about was a plant code. lathrop ca was #9. that being said the letters could have been dates. I have seen many #9,s in cal cars and trucks. but this does not mean all west coast assembly plants used #9 glass. my fremont ca gmc has #7 glass. so the search goes on. BROWN 70
Awesome, thanks Brown 70. I tried to search for LOF plant #7 and I couldn’t find anything. My truck was built in Atlanta. Does anybody here have an original 1969 or 1970 truck from Atlanta that could share their LOF #’s. I’m assuming Atlanta would have received most of their glass from the same source during this time frame. I’m trying to reproduce my glass as accurately as possible, since this glass I took out is coded as 1972. This is obviously not the right glass for my 1970 with a build date of 12/69.
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