In summary, this is the info that I accumulated. It is probably still not be complete, so please feel free to add more. In the case of my 1970, I have all of the info I need.
LOF Glass Markings
This indicates that the window was tinted from the factory. It will be green in tint. If the marking does not include Soft-Ray, then the window will be clear.
The truck glass was manufactured by three different processes; Plate, Float (Flo-Lite), and Laminated. 90% of the examples I found for our glass were marked Flo-Lite and Solid Tempered. Plate windows were also marked with Solid Tempered. Windshields are the only piece of glass that were laminated. They were marked with FLO-LITE and Laminated.
Date Codes
Codes are two letters. This define where and when your glass was made. An example would be
NT where N = January and T = 1970.
Month codes: N January, X February, L March, G April, J May, I June, U July, T August, A September, Y October, C November, V December
Year codes: G 1964,1977; J 1965,1978; A 1966,1979; Z 1967,1980; X 1968,1981; V 1969,1982; T 1970,1983; N 1971,1984; Y 1959,1972, U 1960,1973; L 1961,1974; I 1962,1975; C 1963,1976
Windshield- glass made 1 month before your truck’s build date
Vent- glass made 2-3 months before your truck’s build date
Door- glass made 1 month before your truck’s build date
Backlight- glass made one month before your truck’s build date
Plant Codes
The most common plant code on all of the examples I found was Plant 7. I did however see a small percentage of windows marked with Plant 10. Plant code marking seems to be mostly common with GM trucks as you don't find these much on passenger vehicle glass markings.
LOF Glass Plant Code
3= Sherman,TX
4= East Toledo,OH (tempered)
8=East Toledo,OH (laminated)
C=Collingwood,ONT Canada
LOF Glass Models
DOT Number
This number defines the manufacturer of the glass by a number given by the Department of Transportation. All LOF glass will say DOT 15, which tells you Libby Owens Ford made it.
Marking Placement
Windshield- bottom corner, in front of passenger seat, seen from inside
Vent- driver forward of hole seen from inside, passenger forward of hole seen from outside
Door- bottom corner, near vent window, driver seen from inside, passenger seen from outside
Backlight- bottom corner, behind driver, seen from outside
Thanks again for everybody's help. This will help me recreate the windows I need for my build. I did a bit of research on companies out there that offer remaking these logos on plain glass. For years, the two companies have been Pilkington Classics and Auto City Classic. It seems that people have preferred Pilkington due to how well the glass is made in thickness and shape. Plus, Pilkington actually bought LOF back in the day so they have that going for them too. I found several people that were happy with Auto City Classics but it sounds like the glass in made not in the USA and a few folks claim to have issues with this. I decided that Pilkington is probably the way to go and gave them a call. After several attempts to get somebody that knew what I was talking about, I was told that Pilkington (parent company) absorbed the Pilkington Classics line back in 2021. They will continue to reproduce glass for classic cars but have discontinued the logo etching service. They weren't even sure where the stencils ended up. So, I decided to give Auto city classics a shot. I talked with Dave as he seemed to be the expert in LOF markings. I had to email the examples of what I needed so they can make custom stencils for my LOF markings. There is a setup charge for each one. They quoted about three weeks for a custom order like this. I went ahead and placed my order and I will report back with how everything turned out.