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Old 06-06-2022, 04:10 PM   #6
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Re: High build body work question

Originally Posted by e015475 View Post
I wouldn't bother taping off the tailgate letters - it'd be a lot more trouble than it is worth. If you want to add definition to the letters, they sell vinyl letter kit that you can use as-is or for a back-mask for paint.

If you've already gone so far as to fill in all the spot weld craters on the rest of the truck, you might as well do it on the jambs and inside door panels as well with spray polyester(you might want to think about what you're going to do for door cards - I wouldn't bother if the door card covered the entire door, but with a factory door card it'd be OK)

The inside door panels and jambs have a lot of spot welds that'll be visible with new shiny paint
I've decided to shoot all the parts with the polyester to clean and straighten things up. I sprayed several pieces this weekend and didn't find it difficult to sand. The sanding in general is just tedious, especially with the doors. I shot the whole door so I would have a clean inside if I decided to go with a factory size cover. But, right now I'm thinking of having them fully covered to the cab seal. Thx
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