Truck/Blazer Console questions on Repair and Repops
I have searched the forums and google and really havent found the answers I have been looking for.
I am in the process of putting together the 69-72 style buckets for my 68 C10. I picked up a console that is in pretty good shape minus a huge hole in the side near the rear on the upper piece where it meets the lower. I have seen repair threads and videos for smaller holes and cracks but nothing for a large chunk missing. Has anyone made a patch to fix a missing chunk? I know I am gonna have the texture issues, but this is really the only thing really wrong with it and it should be saveable, jut at a loss on how best to repair it.
With that chunk having me buffalo'd, while searching I looked at the seatbelt buckle style reproduction consoles and pondered those with how crazy expensive originals are going for now. Pic is of what online ads show. I cant seem to find a picture of this style in actual use. The main concern I have is if the top area is the same size so you could add all the trim to make it look more presentable than a block of plastic.