Re: Truck/Blazer Console questions on Repair and Repops
it depends upon your goals for the truck and what you use your console for. If the truck is a daily driver that you don't plan to restore, and the console is just a place to keep your stuff then a repop is fine.
But if you have any plans whatsoever for your truck and you like originality, trust me, you will be immensely disappointed by the repops. Ask me how I know. I have a couple and I do plan to add some bling to them to make them a little nicer but I'd rather have an original with a chunk missing, frankly.
Since these are not made of plastic, acetone is your best option, it will melt that paint off and leave the console intact, then you will know what you are dealing with. I am fixing a couple up right now with fibreglass that I usually use on boats. The chunk you have missing will not be that visible when installed, so give it a try.