Originally Posted by TX3100Guy
I’ve not used Por-15 before. How much prep did you have to do before painting it on (brushed on I assume)? Does it harden just like paint or is it more durable? How much did you use to cover the inside of all four fenders?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
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It is an ecapsulant. It stops oxygen from reaching the metal to continue the rust. Just remove the loose rust, and I wipe down with 'Prep-all' and brush on. It takes several hours to cure so the brush marks flow level. Brushes I use are throw aways being it's a PITA to clean them.
It doesn't have much flex, so it's more suited for fairly rigid parts like frames etc....
I know this from using it on leaf springs years ago. A couple of months after application (on a fair weather vehicle) it started flaking off. It is an oil based product, so it helps getting into the cracks and layers of metals, if gravity is there. It is very durable. I would rather try to use this on non-shiny finish sides than take the rust down to the metal. You start to lose the integrity of the substraight if ground down.
I was using the last of the can...about 1.5+ pints. It is a bit pricey so if you think you need a couple of pints, up it for a cheaper price. Be sure only pour out what you'll use. Don't dump back the unused. It is contaminated. And get a couple of mason jars of different sizes. The smaller the oxygen space in the jar with the POR will make it last longer. I barely finished this with the remainder of a jar, but also had some dried product with quite a bit of air space in the jar after the last use. Reduce the jar size to product left. Make sure you wipe the lid and cap before resealing.
'51 Chevy 3600 5 window
C4 Vette front/rear suspension & drive train
full Rusto-Mod

'92 GMC Sonoma GT VIN #0015
'91 GMC Sonoma GT extended cab 1 of 1