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Old 06-20-2022, 10:42 AM   #13
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Re: To raise bed floor or to notch?

by placing 2" tall pads on the frame where the cross sills would normally bolt down you are essentially doing what 4x4 guys do with a body lift except you are only raising the bed floor and not the whole body. you could likely find a few already made body lift spacers at a local 4x4 shop or onlione for cheap. I have made some for friends from metal tubing cut to length with a pipe cutter (it's straight then and ready to weld) and welded a heavy duty flat washer on each end to cap the tube. some also used hockey pucks stacked up with a hole drilled through for the mounting bolt. some used plastic solid round bar and drilled a hole though for the nolt. a retail lift kit would use plastic normally. as mentioned in an earlier post, on my raised bed floor I had a sheet metal shop bend me up some new cross sills, since mine were toast and doing that was cheaper and dome more timely than ordering new ones, then made the mounts for the frame fit the new floor height. mine is a frame swap though so there were no box mounts. yours would be considerably easier if you just had new sills made that are taller. the other thing you could do is like a flatbed or van body truck would have between the frame and the body/floor. simply wood cut to fit the frame contour and used as a spacer. drill through that for the mounting bolts. the body lift spacers would be less weight and easier likely, if your stock cross sills are in good shape. you could install a plastic washer between the contact points to eliminate squeaks as well, if desired.
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