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Old 07-06-2022, 09:41 PM   #7
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Re: Rebuilding manual steering box - question?

nice job.
another trick i use for bearing race removal when a punch can't be used, and this is for steel bearing races like a wheel bearing kinda thing so not for this particular project, is to dissassemble the bearing so it is just the race in the bore, no ball bearings or tapered rollers or cages etc. protect the bore as much as you can with welding anti spatter spray or something like that, then run a weld bead all the way around the bearing race. just on the actual bearing part so be careful not to weld on the project piece. then if the housing is mobile place it so the bearing is facing down when done the welding. then walk away for a time so it can cool off. sometimes I have done this at the end of the day and the old bearing has fallen out of the bore overnight and I find it on the floor when I come back. I have used this trick on front wheel drive wheel bearings that are pressed into the spindles, like Honda does, because they are hard to get out if you don't have a press available or you don't wanna take the whole front end apart to do a wheel bearing
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