You are right about the 1972 being under the dash. It should be black. A single button with the word "CRUISE MASTER" under it. The story I had heard years ago was that GM did it to get around the warranty. They had problems with the factory units, so they went to a dealer installed unit in 72 to get around the factory warranty. I do have a unit I removed from a truck. If no one posts a picture of the button, I will dig it out and get one. Hopefully someone will, because I know my unit is really buried deep in some box. By the way, there have been some buttons sold on ebay claiming to be for our trucks that don't look right. Our trucks should have the words "CRUISE MASTER" UNDER the button. If it is BESIDE the button, that is for cars not trucks. Just my 2 cents.
72 Super Cheyenne Longbed 350 49,000 original miles and My dad ordered it new
66 Chevy Caprice 2 dr
77 Caprice Estate Wagon
New Palestine, IN