Thread: 47-55.1 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum
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Old 07-12-2022, 10:58 PM   #4
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Re: 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum


spent the afternoon chasing jack stands. by the time i remembered who had them and sent him a text, I had already bought 2 new pair at cardboard freight. so now i guess i just have 6 pairs.

ran out of battery juice. removing the pass side will have to wait. mostly i am just mentioning this because I decided to do it the right way. *SIGH*.

what about the morning? well instead of just posting this thread and generally laying about, i met up with dando (i have shown his couple of builds here at various times) and bought something to plug the space I just vacated next to the storage.

8 lug 16" that clear the front drums and tie rods on the 3600, thats rare as hen teeth!

pretty nice floor. if I were smarter (or at all) i would have used this cab and front clip.

oh and one important extra came with it.

I GOT A CLACKITY CLACKER FOR THE COE PROJECT. oft mentioned, barely worked on. but i have almost everything now. I figure an ext cab s10 frame will give me a 9 ft bed (once i push the cab forward and up) anyway, lets leave that discussion for a later time. dando earned his friend label today, I think if i sell the 3600 brake drums and parts, and those hard to find wheels, and the open drive trans and those race seats, I might be almost paid back. which would make dando almost completely paid because "as per usual" we merely shook hands and everything came to my place. so far. dan has nothing to worry about though.
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new project WAYNE
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