Originally Posted by 6DoF
come on, you know you wanna fish plate it anyways

I really dont. there is at least 1 1/2" of underlap where the front section slides into the rear on three sides and then the legs and inside overlap the rear 4", its like a built in fishplate as long as my welds are as good as the factory. that underlap/overlap is so strong it held the front section off the ground with just friction when i realized the left front jackstand had dropped a notch.
today I will get it rolled back out and pressure washed, and maybe start on the new mount designs. plenty of time right now! there is no rain in the forecast and so i havent been mowing, which is a 6 hour process with a trailer drive, hopefully i can buy a tractor with a finish mower the end of the summer. it wont be faster than my zero turn, but one of the lots is an unruly and bumpy unfinished lot that takes the most time.