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Old 08-02-2004, 05:05 PM   #12
Left Foot Functioning
stickshift_or_walk's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Duncan, OK
Posts: 351
Forget the carb base...the hose hooks to the AIR CLEANER base, not the carb base. Don't have a pic handy, but there's a small plastic filter that fits on the inside of the air cleaner, with a round end that sticks through the air cleaner base. That hose plugs onto the filter end.

If you're going with an aftermarket air filter, check them first. Many have at least an attachment point for this hose.

Don't hook it to manifold vacuum (carb base). That'll cause all kinds of problems.

69 C10 (#1 son's ride)
72 C20 (Dad's farm truck)
82 K30 (Ex - brush pumper project)
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