Thread: Well dang it…
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Old 07-26-2022, 09:14 AM   #6
All about them K’s
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Re: Well dang it…

I don’t think it was plugged, the top of the pushrod really doesn’t show any signs of big wear or damage. But as we all know anything is possible. The valve wasn’t stuck at all. I could move it with a little persuasion from a dead blow. The motor suffix points to it being originally from a 73 C20. I had the heads off a few years ago and I’m pretty sure it would take .060 to clean up the ridge on top the cylinder walls. It’s tired for sure. I’ll probably just throw a set of rockers at it and see how much longer it’ll run. I’ve got a 90% done 350 with aluminum heads that I’ve been building a little at a time. I might speed finishing that one up sooner than later.
'57 3100
'72 K20 Cheyenne: 5” lift, 35’s, front dana 60 blah blah blah…
‘69 K10 SWB: 4” lift 33”s… in a million pieces
'98 Silverado LT K2500HD ECLB Vortec 454/4l80E: 6" lift 35x12.5x20’s
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