Thread: 47-55.1 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum
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Old 07-30-2022, 08:47 PM   #24
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Re: 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum


today I decided to tackle all the cab and rust issues. this cab is pretty nice but it needs 4 hinges, both cab corners, the left lower cowl, some drivers floor work, and the bottoms of both fender mount sweeps on the cowl are gone. regular readers know I would rather staple my junk to a stump instead of doing rust repair but I figured, i like 5 window cabs so WHY NOT convert it to 5 window too? as long as I am doing the hinges and all that rust repair, it would be fun to do a 5 window conversion too. I have almost everything for the front clip too but I was missing a hood latch and the inner fender supports. the drivers fender also had a lot of rust in the lower section and where the inner brace attached. *SIGH*. more work.

so to get all of this started, I hooked up the trailer and drove about 40 minutes south. I had gotten a number for a guy who may be able to help and after his third "motherfricker" used in casual conversation I had his address. he had the fender I needed. he had the inner braces. he even had a rust free 55 5 window cab. bam. issues fixed, i didnt feel a thing!

has this weirdy seat setup, I wish it was more complete because these are RARE.

its a "ride control seat" and has extra brackets for the passenger seat, which i dont have. but I bet someone needs it.

I might have to change the project thread name

got it all home, 3 hours for all that rust repair and 5 window conversion, I am whupped.

lets see if anyone catches the easter egg.

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the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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