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Old 08-02-2004, 09:15 PM   #1
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Posts: 80
Universal Joints

Hey could use some ideas here. My driveshaft was missing a piece out of the circle thing that the universal joints sit in. SO I went and bought a used one and just going to replace the old joints on it. BUt these joints are in there so freakin tight that my vice can't even press them out also they are the type with the plastic filler ring in the center that you cant get to. I ended up just cutting the end universal joint out but the caps are still in the holes so does anyone have any idea how to get these caps out of the holes? Cause its tempting to beat the liven daylights out of it but Im sure Id prlly just end breakin it. SO any ideas or suggestions would be great otherwise Im gonna have to take it somewhere.
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