Originally Posted by AcampoDave
Hard to look at, but yet I still want to see it
Hard to look at is right. Before the wrecking yards got sucked into conglomerates like Pick-Your-Part, and later, LKQ, we could get some truly good parts, here in dry-*** California. No trees to drop sap or bird droppings, and they didn't sink into that hard desert playa. How hard is desert playa? My parents bought a house in California, in a rural area outside LA City. Now, they grew up in Minnesota, so this makes it worse, since the soil was nice and soft there. My dad took a post-hole digger to the ground to set posts for a clothesline. It just bounced off the ground. He took a pick to it, and made a small dent, into which he put a CUP of water...and it was still standing in the hole in the morning.

It's what the natives used to make their buildings, for good reason.