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Old 08-17-2022, 08:31 AM   #1
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New interior install question

Hey guys.

I'll try to upload some installed pictures tonight, so you at least have something to look at.

I just got my interior back from the shop and all was good. I went to install some more components last night and went to bed with my head hung low as I ran into several snags.

The seat is from Snowden, and looks fantastic. It is very comfortable as well. Install took about 10 minutes.

It is everything else that lended a few problems though-

I can't get them up high enough to fit my 4 bottom screws in. These were JEGS panels drop shipped straight to a shop to recover. Maybe they are bent, maybe they are oversized from stamping. Now thinking about it, maybe I need to bend the top trim channel open some though?

All of you aftermarket door panel guys - is it OK to run an aftermarket door latch/window crank handle without a escutcheon? I just don't think the big semi-gloss escutcheon looks "good", but it would help with wear if that is a concern. I had a few extra boxes of Clayton PT202/PT203/PT204 handles so I'm going to use the crank and door latches.

I'm still on the hunt to find replacement hardware/contour washers for the bottom 4 on the panel.

Does anyone know where the heck I could find these interior handles in saddle? They're what I had on my truck before, in blue, and really prefer them over the larger blocky ones.,136088.html?sku=92632786&utm_matchtype={match_type}&msclkid=dafa0e58b3d419a863956ca462646b53&u tm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SMI%20-%20Shopping%20(CSE)%20(Bing)&utm_term=4577129468977168&utm_content=All%20Products%20II%20(Feb28_2020 )

I remember reading on this before, on here somewhere, but the dash pad was covered straight over the 4 front mounting screw pockets. Ideally they would put some glue in the pocket when covering and fasten down so when finished, material covers the mounting screw pocket. I don't have that, and am afraid what'll happen when I poke a screw though. Any of you guys who have recovered dash pads, think I could just use a finishing washer as big of OD as I can find to fit and try to suck the material down?

Everything was covered in an automotive grade vinyl. There are several (4-5) corners that are cut or wore through. It could even be a matter of setting them on those corners when being worked on, and it just made a small cut on the corner.

This sounds hokey, but can I just put a drop of some sort of glue carefully on it to keep the crack/cut from opening up more hopefully?

Finally the visors - the LH/RH visors are the same, right? My left side sticks way down, right side fits very nice. I can try to bend the rod just haven't gotten to it or figured out a way to do it cleanly.

Thanks in advance!
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