Question Bagging a 83 or Similar year
Question Bagging a 83 or Similar year.
How low can I get it (assuming bagged) without a Body Drop?
Also, willing to lose or redo front inner fender and rear tubs.
I finally have a line on something in my range and not too busted up that I'm hoping to be able to pick up in a week or so.
I have a lot of the stuff already to bag it, like:
4 Slam Specialties Bags
8 SMC valves (a big box of fittings)
Roll of airline
Switch box (will get a different one)
2 via Air 450C Compressors
Dakota Digital Gauges 1 4 position to show each corner, 1 single for the tank
Pressure Switch
2 water traps
a 12 Gallon, 8 port tank, not sure of its condition anymore
and some other do-dads...
Roll of 4 Gauge Power and Ground for the Compressors.
I was going to bag a lowered S10 Blazer, but kinda lost interest in it.
I've always wanted to do a Squarebody or 67-72...
Anyone want to post pics of their bagged, but not body droped Square body for inspiration, that'ed be sweet!!!