: 47-55.1
55.1 S10 swap Gypsum
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08-19-2022, 11:07 PM
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Doodah Kansas
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Re: 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum
front clip mounted, finished, very strong with the new mounts. did the column and brake pedal. i planned to use a speedway lower bearing on this one but the column shift lever did not respond to prying and so i just sanded the existing weld on the lower closeout till it was loose and rotated it to close out on the firewall. waste not want not. thats my 5 degree booster plate I make, it mounts the booster at 5 degree angle (right for the anti dive gm masters since about 1980), as well as being 16ga cold rolled really stiffens up the firewall once its welded in.
I have to install the little plate to close out the original column hole but thats later. more in next
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