im an idiot lol
i know everyone gets told to be safe at work and not to take shortcuts but you get to hear it again,
today at work i was turning a piece of metal on the lathe and i was wearing some fabricator gloves because the hot chips were burning my hand, my boss even told me not to wear them or get some tight fitting ones because the baggy ones can catch on moving parts, well i thought to myself im only going to be 5 more minutes its fine, a couple minutes later WAAAM, my glove caught the workpeice and it twisted my hand backwards so my fingertips were touching my wrist, holy F did this hurt, it yanked the fingers right off my glove! i pretty much went into shock and almost passed out, for about 10 minutes i sat there in the bench feeling like i was going to hurl, to make a long story short i pulled my pinky finger and the one beside it out of their sockets and the end of those 2 fingers are purple, half way though the day i pulled the pinky and i heard/felt a pop and it felt so much better, so i got the other one too, now im just sitting here typing with a couple swolen fingers and man do i feel like a dumbass
so be careful guys, taking shortcuts doesnt pay off 99% of the time