You will be happier with the 625 CFM carb (actual size), The 750 would give you an outstanding topend running condition, but would make a lousey driving condition for normal everyday driving. The 750 works great on a lighter vehicle, such as a Camaro or a Nova, but for a heavy truck you want to keep the airflow up to get more efficiency in the carb throat. The 625 will curb your upper end power slightly, but it works quite well otherwise. I have a 625 on a 383 stroker motor and previously had a 750 in it's place, I witnessed the pain of sloppy acceleration from the carb, also when we rebuilt the motor, the intake valves were coated with deposits, from the fuel. You can buy the Edelbrock internal parts cheaper than the Carter parts, since they are essentially the same "Weber" bodied carb. Play with the needles and jets to get the best acceleration and fuel ecomomy, it is worth it.