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Old 09-06-2022, 11:50 AM   #253
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Re: 49 GMC Five Window

"..........did you get the Altman latches installed"

No, but I've been thinking about it a lot.

I have the passenger door apart and I should put them in. The problem is that I'd like to get to the upholsterer this fall and I'm not sure I want to start a science project with the Altmans

I'd already installed bear-claw latches in the truck when the body work was being done, and I removed all the screw holes that held the stock latches in. (The problem with the latches that I put in is that they rely on a bell crank at the bottom of the door to connect the lever to the latches, and it isn't very robust.) The Altman is a direct connection from the handle to the latch so it solves that issue)

The paper pattern they give you to cut your doors with the Altman latches is indexed to the factory screw holes, but I don't have any. I'm not even sure that the Altman's might not fit the existing door, but it's going to be several days of head-scratching to figure it all out. That 'scabbed-on' Altman mounting plate sure is ugly! I'd like something that looks better.
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