09-15-2022, 05:13 PM
Always on the hunt...
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Portland, OR.
Posts: 5,872
Re: WTB Hubcaps x 2
We have the below Chevy P01 wheel covers available ready to ship, these match your supplied
picture pretty well. These are both untouched non-restored, original paint wheel covers in really nice
condition, they have no problems or issues to detail. $100. ea. + $25. for shipment to AZ. via FedEx on a
single or combine ship both for $30., if interested funds can be sent via paypal, venmo, check or
money order, if using paypal option buyer covers fee's. Let us Know, Mel 
***For any return/past customers & friends***
Before sending of any funds, please wait for a confirmed total and instructions for
sending as our payment account info has been changed as of Jan. 2023. Thanks...