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Old 09-16-2022, 06:51 PM   #1
Classic Bowties
Always on the hunt...
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Portland, OR.
Posts: 5,865
F/S OE GM 1967-68 Dash Cluster Choke Delete Setups

We have the below pictured OE used GM 67-68 choke delete/block off's pulled out and ready to ship, we will offer combined shipment on multiple purchases here in thread or with any of our other parts listings. If interested, online funds can be sent via Zelle and CashApp, Credit/Debit Card over the phone or Check/Money Order by mail. Thanks, Mel

***Update 03/05/25*** We have a couple more OE square GM plate and nut style choke deletes available ready to ship and can grab some pics if any interest.

#1 } OE square GM plate and nut style choke delete, nice paint (Pictured left). $125. ***Sold/Shipped***

#2 } OE square GM plate and nut style choke delete, needs a re-paint (Pictured middle). $100. ***Sold/Shipped***

#3 } OE chrome plug and cover plate style delete for dash bezel w/choke script (Pictured right). $85. + $8. for CONUS shipment.

Attached Images
***For any return/past customers & friends***
Before sending of any funds, please wait for a confirmed total and instructions for
sending as our payment account info has been changed as of Jan. 2023. Thanks...

Last edited by Classic Bowties; 03-05-2025 at 04:09 PM.
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