I used a powertrax lock-rite in my '69 "Farm Truck"
It's got 3.07 rear end, I put 4 speed saginaw from Nova SS.
380 Horse/450Ft/Lb. I drove the truck once after the motor was in, without posi or locker, and knew right away that it wouldn't cut it. I chose the lock-rite because it's easy to install, only took about 1 hour. You don't touch the ring & pinion, so you don't need to know how to set up a rearend properly.
Disadvantages after driving it for several months are:
It does make the "chunk chunk chunk" noise that critics mention. This only happens when you are turning fairly sharply. If this noise will bother you, stay away from any type of driven plate type locker. (By the way they cost $300.00 from Summit)
Now I see that Powertrax has a new style that supposedly eliminated the noises that the lock rite makes, costs about $400.00. Anyway, the other thing about driving with this is that it is not permanently locked, so unless you do a burnout everytime you start, only 1 wheel is engaged, so if you have a manual trans, when you shift and let off the gas, you will feel the rearend "move" one way or the other, depending on which tire is engaged. Basically, cornering is a bit wierd with it. The website,
WWW.powertrax.com explains things better than I do. My truck is strictly for fun, so I don't mind these quirks. If it were a daily driver, or my wife were going to drive it, I would spend the bucks for a truue posi. My 2 cents worth..............