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Old 08-04-2004, 04:32 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Grim Reaper
Yes and no. The painting will even up the light dipersal. You may actually get the same brightness out of the lower watt bulb with painting then you will upping the wattage. Also running higher wattage increases heat and I don't know how often you go junk yarding but I have found a bunch of fubar clusters from high watt bulbs.
I agree - I like the painting trick. But then, being the author of that original tip, I might be a bit biased.

Seriously though, I was amazed at the difference the painting made, and getting my cluster apart was a piece of cake. Now mine is an '86, so not quite as "fragile" as some of the older ones might be, but I think with a little care it should all work.

As far as the bulbs go, I was thinking about doing the same thing to mine, but have not yet tried it. So I have no opinion on that part of the mod.

So have fun with whatever you decide to do, and I'm sure the result will be good. It certainly can't get any worse than the original, right?

Last edited by Zilverado; 08-04-2004 at 04:53 PM.
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