Thread: 55.2-59 c4 rear end handbrake setup
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Old 09-27-2022, 06:33 PM   #1
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c4 rear end handbrake setup

Just wondering what those of you who run a c4 corvette rear ends are doing for your parking/emergency brake setup.

I used the stock c4 rear cable to a camaro/nova crossover cable, a c joiner to connect to the front pully to the factory under dash brake handle. VIDEO HERE

I have adjusted the **** out of it every way I can think but i suspect its not getting enough leverage or clamping force to make the pads hold the inside drum on the rotors so i still roll downhills unless im in park.

Its the last thing i need to sort before I get my car legal on the road over here in New Zealand.

cheers in advance.

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