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Old 09-27-2022, 08:30 PM   #3
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Re: Cab rust repair.

I just replaced my outer roof skin. Check out my build in my signature for how I did it. The roof seal will come out with a hammer and sharp chisel and a wire wheel. The seam sealer product I used is from 3M and the number is in my build, I don't remember what it is right now. Make sure you do correct prep work before you put in the sealer, I ended up redoing mine because I forgot to scuff the ecoat primer on my new outer skin. That was a $50 reminder that body work is mostly prep!

As far as the rest of the patching, be ready to cut out more than you think, rust has a way of being worse than it looks. It may be just as easy to remove your glass as to trying to protect it adequately.
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