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Old 09-27-2022, 10:35 PM   #256
The Older Generation

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Re: LockDoc's "Low Budget", "Low Maintenance" Project Thread

Originally Posted by CG View Post
I met board member birdistheword this weekend and he was driving his Longhorn project. He converted to DRW and it looks pretty good back there. He had to make his tubs wider like yours and the tires do stick out just a bit, also like yours. But it seems so minimal and really doesn't look weird. I wouldn't think you would actually need to add anything to the fender lip like some folks do. I probably should have taken a picture heh.

Hey Mark,

Yes, a picture would have been good!

I am going to try it without any flares and see how it goes.

I have been getting some small stuff done. I had one manifold bolt broken off that I am working on getting out but it is giving me fits. Hopefully I will finish that up tomorrow. Got my new fuel filter installed so the fuel system is finally done. I think I will install the radiator tomorrow and figure out where I want to put the battery box. I moved it to the drivers side on the Panel Truck but I'm not sure I want to do that on this one.

I mowed the yard and used the weed trimmer yesterday. I have 3 acres so it takes me a while to do....

A deer was hit out in front of my place last night. It was a really big doe. I hooked on to it with a chain and drug it down to the bottom of the hill, about 100 yards west of me, and pushed it down in the ditch. I got up one morning a year or so ago and there was a dead one laying right in the middle of my driveway down by the road. We have a lot of them around here.


Locksmith, Specializing In Antique Trucks, Automobiles, & Motorcycles

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