Thread: 47-59 VIN & Block Numbers
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Old 09-30-2022, 02:33 PM   #8
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Re: VIN & Block Numbers

OK, I took out the distributor, plugs and wire. Got a TDC whistle and located TDC on the number one cylinder on the compression stroke. The old timing mark was about 1/2" to the left of the timing flange. Put new mark on the balancer, set it at 10degree put back the distributor, plugs and wire. Started the motor and was only hitting on maybe three cylinders, had to turn the distributor counter clockwise about two inches to make it run somewhat smoothly. Put on the timing light and the new mark was at about 12:00, way away from my TDC location. It still runs rough like it has an oversized cam and when I put it in gear at idle she tries to stall. Could the motor run if the timing chain is one tooth off?I don't know if the problem is in the timing or Carburator. I have a Holly 4 barrel but the intake manifold has just two rectangle intake holes and the carb. is setting on top of a spacer with the 4 holes.
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