10-02-2022, 12:16 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: Sarasota Florida
Posts: 282
Re: Help What year and what exactly are these tune up tools??
Originally Posted by Steeveedee
I have some WAGs.
Is the "dial a gap" flat like a screwdriver? If so, maybe it's for setting point gap from closed to the proper setting, and the marks on the "drum" would be thousandths of an inch. I'd venture to guess that this tool was used for '55 and '56 distributor point setting, to help avoid repeated removal and replacement of the cap, because V-8 GM engines didn't get the cap with the "window" until '57.
As for the "wrench", if the blade labeled "spark plug" is .035" thick, it's a plug gap gage. If the blade labeled "distributor" is .017" thick, it's for gapping the points. No idea what the open-end wrench part is for.
Do I get a prize? 
You better guess than me.