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Old 10-03-2022, 03:57 PM   #14
The Older Generation

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Re: Wiper motor upgrade?

Originally Posted by Richard2112 View Post
I sure appreciate all the advice here and have lubricated and cleaned grounds. My wiper motor does work but I have to believe there was a day when they actually moved a bit faster.

I am wondering what might be worn in the motor. Bearings? Probably not. Can these motors be rebuilt? I haven't had one off for a long time and don't recall what the motor housing looks like.

Of course 50 odd years of use can take a toll on the wiper parts but if you stop and think about how many actual hours the wipers have been used it will be very little in relation to the age of the truck . It would depend on where in the country the truck spent most of it's life and how much rain they get but most should be in reasonably good shape. The bearings/bushings and brushes would be the major wear points but the biggest problem I have found is the wiper transmission towers and linkage. Very few people think to disconnect the linkage from the motor under the cowl vent and see how much drag there is on the linkage. The tower shafts are pretty well protected but they can still get gummed up and stiff. It is hard to get lubricant into the shafts without removing the towers because of their design. If you can bend the tube on the lubricant spray can you can usually get enough up under the top of the towers to lube them. The linkage pivots and outside motor shaft can be lubed down through the cowl vent.

There are more pictures of the motor in this thread.

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