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Old 10-03-2022, 09:41 PM   #4
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Rear Brake Flex Line Replacement

It appears that the previous owner replaced all of the brake lines, but they did a less-than-stellar job of it. Rather than bending and flairing custom hard lines, they bough off-the-shelf sticks of steel brake line and coupled them together to make up whatever lengths they needed. It's messy and prone to leaks. When it comes time to do the front disc conversion and power brake upgrade, I plan to bend up some new hard lines that fit the truck a little better. While we were inspecting the brake lines, my son noticed a pressure blister on the rear brake flex line. This was pretty surprising considering the line can't be more than a couple of years old. And, it's pretty darn scary, considering the truck still has the original style single bowl master cylinder. If that line popped, I'd have zero brakes. Scary stuff! So, I replaced the flex line and my son assisted with bleeding the brakes. By the way, the single bowl master cylinder will get replaced when I do the power brake upgrade. It's hard to believe that a 55 year old truck still has the original master cylinder.
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