Thread: Heater Core
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Old 08-05-2004, 02:45 PM   #12
Grim Reaper
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Originally Posted by 76bonanza
Grim I have a shut off inline in engine comprtment in the 5/8 supply line When I close it it stops flow thru the 5/8 line into the heater core. So even with the supply line block it will still be under pressure?

How is the easest to make loop since the hoses are different sizes?
Yep. System has about 13psi on it if your cap is good. It will just back upthe return line and leak out. If that core is leaking you need to cut all coolant to it.
I would be leary about just blcoking those lines any way. I think (I would hve to look again) that the line being blocked might cause extra pressure at the Thrmostat and try to hold it closed. I think that is one of the reason GM put that bypass was to keep the pressure a little closer to even. Plus it brings the temp up a little in the radiator so that when the thermostat does open its not a slam of cold water and then the thermstat closes again. Helps even out that transision.

Just use the 3/4 line to make the loop. Radiator clamp will get it to seal on the nub on the intake.
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