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Old 08-05-2004, 09:45 PM   #1
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considering a 4/6 drop

hey guys, im the future.... 6 motnsh at the msot i hope,. i want to do a 4/6 drop and put spem disc brakes up front. Right my truck hs been lowered 2 inches all the way around. i have some spindles, but im nto sure if the are stock hieght or 2 1/2 drop. the truck was liek thsi when i got it. for thsoe of you that have a 4/6 drop on a 67-72 how did the ride change. some people say ill regret it becase il drag my a$$ everywhere and that kind of stuff. nad hwo is the ride after the drop. right now the rear of my truck is kind of loose and well i dont liek it that much. I was thinking that if i did a 4/6 drop, up frotn id only need the drop spindles, and im not sure what id need out back. woudl i need longer tie rods? or any other stuff liek that. thanks for the help, and sorry for making all of you read so much
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