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Old 08-05-2004, 10:28 PM   #7
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if your still running the heater, the core might be different. they are different on the camaros. the frame mounts should be the same but there is 2 locations on the sub frame for them. one is the small block mount and the other is the bigblock mount. there are some veriations depending on what tranny was used. you can put the bbc on the sbc location but it`s going to be tight agains the firewall. if you put it in the bbc location, your drive shaft may not be the correct length. it depends on how long your transmission yoke is. you will probably need bbc springs and obviousely your brackets will be different as well as your exhaust. your master cylinder should be the same but the booster, if your running power brakes, will be in the way if your running tall valve covers.

i don`t know much about novas or camaros either but alot of my friend had camaros with both bbc and sbc and some swapping around between the two and i helped with alot of it. i know the novas share the same subframe so i`m guessing the same rules apply but i could be wrong.
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