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Old 11-02-2022, 12:17 PM   #2
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Re: Newer motor mounts ?

Yes and no. You'll have to keep the transmission in solid, bolt the engine up with the mounts bolted up and set the assy down to see where it mates with the frame. Mark the holes, remove for access with a drill and shim between the frame and frame stand so the stand doesn't twist or lay crooked when it all gets cinched down. Bear in mind that putting the V8 in the 6 cyl position will set the V8 damn near up against the firewall and may interfere with an HEI being present as in rubbing against the firewall without additional clearance. Personally I would elect to keep the 6 and hot rod that for the coolness factor. Still get ya around and good on mileage for the days to come
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