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Old 11-05-2022, 06:36 PM   #1
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Engine vibration while truck not moving in park

Well its been a while. I am back in the 67-72 chevy truck game. I have a vibration while the truck is running and in park. 68 Chevy 350 crate motor, hei dizzy, 400 turbo rebuilt with roughly 3000 miles on it, new TCI flex plate. Truck is up north and I am heading up there next weekend to work on it and see if I can find the issue.

The plan is check all of the plug wires to make sure they are all connected etc, then pull all of the plugs to see if someone is not contributing, if that shows all good then I may go as far as separating the transmission from the engine and pulling the flex plate to see if that solves it.

Anything else I can check?

RIP to my son Dylan. 5/17/2002 - 8/18/2018
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