Originally Posted by cadillac_al
How hot is hot? boiling over? That is weird that the radiator is cool on one side.
Got hot enough to boil for a brief minute in the top hose once... I didn't run it as long thereafter so nothing would be damaged.
Originally Posted by hotsam
This may sound crazy but is your timing advancing correctly when the advance is hooked to vacuum? The radiator temp difference does seem strange though..
Originally Posted by hotsam
Also it's not sucking a hose flat when thermostat is in and cap on ??
Believe so, though I will double check tomorrow. It's currently set to 8deg, when I plugged the vacuum advance line back in there was a significant difference, but the mark stayed at 8 last I remember checking...
Negatory on the flat hose, maintains form.
So, I seemed to have licked it. Was a bad (brand new) thermostat of all things. Pulled it out of the truck and put it and another new thermo in a pot of water. (Both are 180's). The new one opened at 180+/-, the other from the truck didn't until the water began to boil heavily.
That's makes 4 brand new thermostats I went though this week until I got one that worked.