EDIT-My truck is on jack stands in the front, so some of my measurements (plumb bob) if you try to do this yourself will be off.
I started this about 3 weeks ago but I will show the rest of the build in real time.
And I could screw it up or make a dumb mistake.

I will do the corner pieces like I did my radiator cover with a wood buck.
See the link
This is what it will look like 4-3/8" tall
I cut some 18Ga. sheet metal to width and and laid out some lines every 1/4"

My friend boss has a 10' break and let me use it again.
The bend angles are about 1/2 degree on the upper part and 9-1/2 degree on the lower part.
I did not have time to tune up the brake so one end was a little different than the other.
So I made a dolly and hammered on it with a dead blow hammer, about 5 minutes and it was as done.
I cut some 1" wide pieces of sheet metal as a brace and will tack them in place later.
Real time starts today
I C clamped it to the bottom of the dash, I will fasten it after the corners are welded on.

I cut some 1/4" plywood with a straight edge to push to the lower valence and started making the template.

I taped a stick to the door jam to hold up the plywood and down the valence to hold up the other end.

Keep marking where it's hitting and rasp it over and over until I got what I wanted.