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Old 11-20-2022, 07:46 PM   #30
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Re: Bluetooth O2 sensor and a carb

Today I made that trip into the mountains. When I left home the ambient temps were in the upper 30's and I noticed that the AFR gave me readings higher than I expected like 17even 18 at cruise and it proceed to read too lean to become believable considering that the actual running of the motor did not reflect the lean values. After a while I stopped the motor and rebooted the connection and I was back to the readings I had previously become accustom to with cruising in the mid 14's. I'm not sure why it did that and I wondered if goofing around with the carb had caused a bit of crud to land in a primary jet and stopping the motor dislodged it.

Anyhow.... since readings had again normalized I performed a few full throttle blasts up some steep grades and saw mid to low 11's but as I kept climbing in altitude I noticed I eventually reached a point where my cruise had dropped into the mid 13's and WOT was getting down to higher tens and lower 11's. Time to turn back as I needed numbers which reflected where I live.

Last edited by AcampoDave; 11-20-2022 at 10:42 PM.
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