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Old 11-20-2022, 10:44 PM   #35
Who Changed This?
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Simi Valley, CA
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Re: Bluetooth O2 sensor and a carb

Originally Posted by Arne View Post
Interesting, and good to know. I also have headers, shorty block huggers. Maybe it is closer to correct than I think. Pretty hard to get any kind of feel for it when you have no exhaust beyond the aforementioned headers. That will be addressed by the end of the month.
Yeah, headers change things a bit, maybe not much. You'd be best off to wait until the rest of the exhaust system is installed, I think. I bought the tuning kit that had jets, metering rods and springs, and ended up going richer on both rods and jets by 4 numbers each. Not a big change, but it worked OK, and I was getting 18.5 MPG on my commute, the afternoon of which was bumper-to-bumper from LAX up to about Sunset Blvd, on the 405. I'm sure the mileage would have been better if I could have jetted home like I went to work in the morning, which was pretty much 75 mph the whole way.

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

Simi Valley, CA
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