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Old 11-23-2022, 11:30 PM   #7
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Re: AC heater box in bad shape

Originally Posted by AcampoDave View Post
You could try cleaning the metal with a rust remover like Naval Jelly and then patch it using fiberglass resin and cloth. It's still holding up well for me on the lower corners of my doors and a layer of Bondo over that really got it smooth. The trick is to remove the rust first and if it leaves a big hole, some metal window screen can be used to back up the fiberglass. The flapper part looks like you could save it with some Naval Jelly too. I like to scrub it in real hard using an old toothbrush. I've even wetsanded with it using 600 grit wet and dry paper. (Gonna take a few coats though). Then oil it up
One thing a lot of people don't know is you can use POR-15 instead of fiberglass resin. Two or three layers of fiberglass and you'll be able to beat on it with a hammer.
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