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Old 12-01-2022, 10:59 AM   #12
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Re: Edelbrock Pro Flo 4 and Sanderson BB8 Headers Project

Originally Posted by Bigdav160 View Post
I never had an original BB truck but I thought the style in your first pic started in '73 models.

I had a 67 that I installed BB on the SBC stands. The headers didn't fit and there was plenty of grinding on the frame and hammer work on the pipes.

In the mid 1980's I wanted to install another BB in a '72 and went to the dealer and purchased the stands you have in the second pic. Yes it moved the engine up and forward.
Bigdav...I saw pictures of '73 to '87 mounts in another thread, and I'm pretty sure they were different than what Lock Doc has listed as '72 BB only, but of course I can't really see 100% of my mounts while they are installed?

Believe me...I'm no expert with regards to any of this, but I also read that because a BB wasn't available until sometime in '68, '67 frames need a lot of work when swaping in a BB with headers no matter which mounts you use?

So they sold you '68 to '71 mounts for a '72...that's interesting! I wonder if they knew that you would have less issues with the older mounts? Exactly my question!

Thanks Bigdav...I really appreciate your input!

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