Originally Posted by SCOTI
As @Bigdav160 mentioned, the mounts in the first image are what I thought were post-72 mounts & the 2nd image is what I always understood were for 68-72's. They're what I used for my BBC swap in my 67/68 mothballed project. LocDoc knows his history but I researched/learned about the mounts before doing my swap & never was told there was a '72 only' frame stanchion/mount. Interesting to learn this.
Back when I did my BBC swap, Sanderson didn't make the BB8 headers for trucks. I used the BB3's for 68-72 Chevelles. I had to trim minimal amount from the edge of the frame rail (~.1875-.250"?) where the collector is located. I just wanted to share what I did.
Thanks for responding SCOTI...I found it interesting as well! I've read posts from others that seem to confirm the "72 only" mounts that Lock Doc photographed.
I've heard that the BB3's would work, but I went with the BB8's as they are made for our application...and should not have been an issue at all!!! I am curious if the 67/68 BB project of yours used a 67 or 68 frame? If 68, I understand the minimal trimming due to using BB3's...but if you used a 67 frame, I would have thought that a tremendous amount of work would have been required? I've said it many times...I'm no expert (unless asking questions is an art form)

Thanks again!