Originally Posted by Beach-Burban
From what my header guy showed me, the collector would clear if enginge was higher then header would be in the right position to mate with the head? The picture doesn't depict what is happening to well but the front primary tube on passenger side is hitting the bolting flange of the motor mount stand.
Spacers aren't a bad idea, but that seem like it would take about the same amount of work as replacing with the proper mounts? Thanks again.
I wouldn't argue your point if you could define what the 'proper' mount actually is. I guess what I'm trying to communicate is are you 101% sure if you get the different set of motor mount stanchions that things will fit w/o issue? I'm betting 'no' or else this discussion wouldn't be happening.
If you're not sure the mounts (stanchions) are the Golden Ticket you seek, you're still potentially stuck. To me, that would be frustrating. Say the 'new/different' stanchions allow the headers to fit but now the fan doesn't line-up or a valve cover interferes w/something (common issues when using different parts). Thus my suggestion of tweaking things to work w/what you have since the drivetrain is already installed/in-place.
I get it if you don't wish to go that route. If someone had both types & would let you try the set-up that's pre-73 big-block (but different from yours) to see if that solves the issue, that's 100% how I would go about it first. Barring that and/or wanting to move forward sooner than later, I'd tweak things.
I wish I could help & will definitely be watching to see what the answer is to your dilemma.